Science Fiction Biodiversity
World Science Fiction #1
Science fiction happens everywhere! This is why we collected in one volume the best short stories to come out of Future Fiction, a multicultural project created and run by Francesco Verso. Such a collection offers Anglophone readers a selection of visions that aim to preserve the narrative biodiversity of the future. In fact, what would the world be like if we all read one language, ate the same food, and listened to the same music? What if we shared one religion, one economy, one culture, and ultimately, just one point of view from which to observe the future?
This first collection features 16 stories from 13 countries and translations from 6 different languages, including famous authors such as Ian McDonald, James Patrick Kelly, Lavie Tidhar, Ekaterina Sedia, Claude Lalumière, Richard Larson and Chen Qiufan, as well as others who are less well-known but still excellent like Pepe Rojo, Michalis Manolios, Clelia Farris, Ugo Bellagamba, María Antònia Martí Escayol, Gabriela Damián Miravete, Vina Jie-Minh Prasad and Mary Mascari.
In addition to the authors who contributed to this project with their amazing literary visions, it's crucial to stress the importance of translators like Ken Liu, Rachel Cordasco, Sheryl Curtis, Sue Burke, Andrea Bell, Adrian Demopulos and Thalia Bisticas, the real gatekeepers of so many hidden worlds and cultures. Our experiences would be so limited without them.
Table of Contents:
Introduction by Francesco Verso
Aethra by Michalis Manolios (Greece)
Choosing Faces by Lavie Tidhar (Israel)
Whale Meat by Ekaterina Sedia (Russia)
Coming of the Light by Chen Qiufan (China)
The Ethical Treatment of Meat by Claude Lalumière (Canada)
A Day to Remember by Clelia Farris (Italy)
Diary of a Repentant Poliorcete by Ugo Bellagamba (France)
Francine by María Antònia Martí Escayol (Spain)
They Will Dream in the Garden by Gabriela Damián Miravete (Mexico)
The Remaker by Fábio Fernandes (Brasil)
The Promise of Space by James Patrick Kelly (U.S.A.)
Meshed by Richard Larson (Niger-Canada)
Conversations with Yoni Rei by Pepe Rojo (Mexico)
Debugging Bebe by Mary Mascari (U.S.A.)
A Series of Steaks by Vina Jie Minh Prasad (Singapore)
The Fifth Dragon by Ian McDonald (Northern Ireland)
Prezzo: € 15
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