James Patrick Kelly
James Patrick Kelly had an eclectic career: he wrote novels, short stories, essays, reviews, poems and screenplays. Translated into 16 languages, he won the Nebula prize in 2007 for "Burn" and the Hugo prize twice: in 1996, with "Think like a dinosaur" and in 2000 for "10^16 to 1". He also writes a column in the online edition of Asimov's Science Fiction magazine and is a faculty member of the Stonecoast Creative Writing MFA Program at the University of Southern Maine.
Le Pubblicazioni di
James Patrick Kelly
World Science Fiction #1
Science fiction happens everywhere! This is why we collected in one volume the best short stories to come out of Future Fiction, a multicultural[...]
Storie dal domani 1 (Italian language)
Cosa succede quando una casa dotata di intelligenza artificiale perde l’inquilino di cui è innamorata? Qual è la coppia perfetta in una versione tecnologicamente[...]
Storie dal domani 3 (Italian language)
La terza edizione dei migliori racconti della collana Future Fiction esplora alcuni temi fondamentali per la fantascienza contemporanea: dal concetto di trasferimento dell’identità, alle[...]
Storie dal domani 6 (Italian language)
La sesta antologia Future Fiction include 10 storie – provenienti da 9 paesi e in traduzione da 5 lingue diverse – che raccontano scenari[...]
Surprise Party (dual language English-Italian)
DUAL LANGUAGE EDITION: ENGLISH AND ITALIAN James Patrick Kelly represents the human side of cyberpunk and Surprise Party is the first collection of his[...]